Monday, March 19, 2007

Last week

Sorry I have been missing in action. I have been working nonstop the last week or so, and there doesn't seem to be an end in site. We have a bunch of interviews for new work and I have been working on a lot of presentations. Thankfully, I don't actual have to PRESENT this stuff, but I still have put in a lot of hours preparing for it. I haven't been doing poorly in the food world, but this weekend was not good at all...we went out to eat Friday night and Saturday night, although Saturday night I had Mahi Mahi and rice with a yummy sauce from the Elephant Bar.

The exercising, though, is what gets me. I just haven't made the time to do it. I have been so tired when I get home and I am honestly feeling a little hopeless about this. Don't get me wrong - we've been doing better and being more active, but I haven't been able to get a work out in for a long time. Also, when I do have time, there are SO many other things that I have to do. We haven't touched our taxes yet and I have another batch of Thank You's that are waiting to go out. Anyway, it's a new day and I will keep on truckin' as best I can.

I'll hopefully be able to talk to you all soon! Love you!

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