Monday, April 23, 2007

Beginning again...

OK, so this past weekend (including Thursday) I don't think was that bad. I know I exercised everyday except for Sunday (Thurs 30min walk, Fri 45min walk, sat 30min walk). I don't think I ate too terribly bad, besides the Chinese on Sunday and a few cookies and cupcake here and there.

The problem is I'm not loosing any weight. So I've decided to join the Jen wagon and try the South Beach diet. I'm starting today and so far it has been pretty good. If I can get through the first two weeks, I think I'm golden. If you've read Jen's blog lately, you will have already seen that she has dwindled to a size 6 and Chris has lost at least 30 lbs. I've decided that it is time for me to take the plunge and really be hard on myself. Anyone want to join me? I found the book at Barns and Noble for $7 in the bargain section and I'm looking forward to seeing results soon. I'll keep you posted on that.

Today so far...
Breakfast: onion, tomato and cheese omelet
Lunch: salad left over steak from Saturday night
Dinner... I'm gonna have to go to the store, I'm not sure I have anything at home.

Anyway... so that's the deal. Let me know if you want to join me. Any encouragement we can be to each other is so helpful. Oh yea... Aaron is doing it with me. He's already lost 11 lbs since February though, so he is a bit ahead.

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