Thursday, May 24, 2007

Let's start afesh...

OK, so seriously girls - where you at? I hope you haven't given up on me or more importantly on yourself...

As for me... I haven't been doing great lately - partially because I've been battling something, but mostly because I've just been lazy. Somehow I've maintained at 9-10lbs lost So I've decided to jump start again staring yesterday. So here it goes...

Breakfast: iced latte skinny (skim milk, no sugar)
Lunch: veggies wrapped in Turkey, a few cashews, sweet bologna & cheese, one bite of cake
Snack: 4-5 pickles
Dinner: BLT salad, granola bar
Exercise: none

Today so far:
Exercise: 30min elliptical
Breakfast: ham & cheese omelet (split with Aaron), bacon & coffee
Lunch: rest of BLT salad
Snack: 2 slices of American cheese
Not sure what's for dinner. I'm going to a picnic so probably a hot dog or something like that.

I'm planning to do better with the blogging. I hope you are too (especially you Steph).

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