Monday, April 16, 2007

Weekend agenda

Friday night we had Thai food for dinner. Pretty healthy for the most part. Exercise consisted of walking around downtown for an hour or so.


Saturday for breakfast:  salted bagel and fruit smoothie

Lunch:  half a hamburger and fries

Dinner:  fish and rice


Exercise:  played kickball for about an hour and a half


Sunday breakfast:  fruit smoothie

Lunch:  whopper jr. and fries from burger king

Dinner:  most of an organic hamburger (that Adam grilled), fresh fruit, green beans


Exercise:  another hour of kickball


Overall, not a terrible weekend, although I probably could have done without the BK. Oh well. Another week, another fresh start.


Today so far:


Breakfast was a bagel and banana and green tea

I brought my lunch today (yay me) and had a turkey sandwich and yogurt.


Not sure what's on the menu for dinner. It's raining outside and I'm beyond sore from kickball and all I want to do is eat grilled cheese and tomato soup and curl up in my comfy chair tonight.






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