Thursday, March 15, 2007

A couple more days

What I love is the McDonald's French fries combined with the Wendy's chicken nuggets. You're an equal opportunity fast-food eater, Ang.


So I think I need to go back a couple days…let's see…


Wednesday dinner:  three crab cakes (which Adam made at home and surprisingly only had 200 calories total) and some grapes.


Exercise:  30 minutes of cardio


Thursday breakfast:  blueberry bagel and Americano

Lunch/Dinner:  Two pieces of pizza (healthy-ish pizza from Trader Joe's, though)

Snack:  Grapes


No exercise yesterday, except for a quick walk with the dog.


Today for breakfast:  whole wheat bagel and nonfat caramel macchiato


Lunch:  half of a roast beef sandwich and an apple


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